Articles on: Contact

Contact us

If you would like to contact us with any queries or problems you may have, you can use our Chat facility. Our agents will get back to you within 48 and 72 working days, Monday to Friday.

How do I use Chat?

The chat is represented by an icon at the bottom of the page. It is the only way to get in touch with our customer service:

Chat icon

Once the chat has started, you will need to enter your email address and choose the option best suited to your request. Using a chat rather than a simple email allows us to better categorise your requests and gather all the information we need to process your request as quickly as possible.

If you would like to write to us, or visit our showroom directly, here is our postal address:

Green Drive
3 allées des Bauches
38640 Claix
Isère, Rhône-Alpes

Updated on: 27/02/2024

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